During the ongoing fifth test match between India and England at Edgbaston, Team India had the upper hand on the first three days. But, as soon as the England team returned to the match on the fourth day, some English fans got out of control. Alam is that now a serious case of racial remarks has come to the fore from the Edgbaston Test match. Along with the Indian fans enjoying the match, the host England fans have made racist remarks on them along with misbehavior and misbehavior.
Indian fans were racially abused by England fans
The English fans have been accused by some Indian fans that as soon as the England team got the upper hand in the exciting match, the fans of the English team started making racial comments. Seeing the seriousness of the matter, Indian fans had also complained to the security personnel present in the field.
At the same time, some Indian fans have also shared the post, telling about this matter on social media, which has also raised questions by retweeting former Yorkshire cricketer Azim Rafiq.
A fan tagged ECB Cricket and tweeted and wrote-
Indian fans have been facing racial remarks at Eric Holly’s stand. People are abusing us dirty and dirty. We told the security guards about it and showed them at least 10 times to people who are doing this. But, no action was taken against them and we were asked to sit on our seats.
The ECB wrote, ‘We are deeply concerned to hear the news of racist abuse in today’s Test match. We are in contact with Edgbaston associates who will investigate the matter. There is no place for racism in cricket.