Rohit Sharma has given an interview for the first time after becoming the limited-overs captain of Team India. In this interview given to BCCI, he has mentioned the contribution of Virat Kohli to Indian cricket. Rohit said that Virat used to lead the team from the front, and under his captaincy, it was clear that we have to win all the matches.
Rohit said,
‘He has put the team in a position from where there is no looking back. During those five years with the team, he led from the front and had a clear determination to win every game. We had a great time playing under his captaincy.
I have played great cricket under him and have enjoyed every moment. And I will still continue to do so. We need to keep getting better as a team and as individuals. Going forward, the focus of the entire team will be on this.
Let us tell you, the former limited-overs captain of Team India, Virat Kohli has captained the team in 95 ODI matches. Out of which we have won 65 matches. Virat Kohli’s win percentage in ODI cricket for India was 70.43. However, despite all this, Team India has not won a single ICC trophy under the captaincy of Virat.