Virat Kohli appeared media for the first time on Wednesday after being removed from the captaincy of the Indian ODI team. Former Captain Virat Kohli held a press conference before the South Africa tour. In this, he has made shocking revelations about being removed from the captaincy. Kohli said that everything was already decided and nothing was asked of me. I had nothing left but to accept.
Responding to a question in the press conference, Kohli said, ‘The chief selectors had spoken to me regarding the Test team selection. After the Test team selection, 5 chief selectors told me that I am no longer the captain of the ODI team. To this I said… OK. Before this decision, no one had spoken to anyone about my removal from the captaincy.
Kohli said that Rohit is a great captain and Rahul Bhai is very experienced. Both will continue to get my support. Whatever decision the BCCI has taken. It has been taken thoughtfully. There is no conflict between me and Rohit. I am tired of having to clear this thing all the time. As long as I play cricket, I will not allow any harm to Indian cricket.
Virat Kohli himself also made it clear that one of the reasons for giving the captaincy to Rohit is that Virat has not won any ICC trophy yet, due to which making Rohit the captain is good for strategy.