Chances about the fitness of IPL team Chennai Super Kings fast bowler Deepak Chahar have troubled the fans of CSK. In the IPL 2022 auction last month, CSK had included Deepak Chahar in their camp after spending a huge quantum of 14 crores. Lately, he’d to be out in the limited-overs series played against Sri Lanka. India won this series 3-0. Deepak Chahar was injured in the last T20 match against West Indies. Since also he has failed to make a comeback in Team India.
Before it was said in the report that Deepak Chahar won’t be suitable to play in the IPL for many weeks after the start of IPL 2022. Still, no sanctioned evidence has been made about his playing yet. Stagers like Aakash Chopra, former New Zealand captain Daniel Vettori, and Wasim Jaffer bandied in detail whether Deepak Chahar will play in the forthcoming season of IPL.
Huge blow for CSK:
Talking to ESPN Cricinfo, Daniel Vettori said, if Deepak Chahar misses IPL 2022, also it’ll be a big blow for CSK. He believes that in such a situation, only a foreign bowler can replace him. According to Vettori, it’ll be a huge loss if Deepak doesn’t play on the start of the season.
Milne can replace him:
During this- Aakash Chopra asked Daniel Vettori who can replace Deepak Chahar. In response, Vettori said, “I suppose it’ll be Adam Milne.”His performance across the globe has been exceptional. I suppose Milne can prove to be more murderous, he can swing the ball. At the same time, Wasim Jaffer and Aakash Chopra believe that Mahendra Singh Dhoni can think about the youth rather than Chahar. During this, he took the names of Tushar Deshpande and Simranjit Singh.